Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Stars

Billions of stars in the Milky Way. Although no catalog can ever hope to be complete, the knowledge accumulated about our galaxy is immense.

Orion Arm

Thursday, January 28, 2010

News Stories

The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth

It was all planned out.

Although not too many Systems really paid attention to the worn out planet Earth, it was still a noted event in History when the Last Man would leave the planet. Her destruction was planned for GSY 13,154 and even the last efforts of the Heritage Earth Foundation had come to naught in the High Court of the Orion Arm. And so a piece of Human History would become but a memory, another disappeared part of our Past.

And so it was that many attempted to win the honor of Last Man from Interstellar Harvest Cgl. News coverage shows that there were two main contenders to the Rights - Plidirium Rezx and Yutatz of Wyrgoth. While generally the title of Last Man was given to local politicians, not even the richest System Governor could afford to be in the fight for this particular plot.

Background of Last Man

As the Human Race spread across the Stars, it had become a larger and larger undertaking to sustain the vast populations with ease. And so construction grew and grew in size to accommodate the growing needs of large Colony Populations. Facilities to house even asteroids such as Hynnith in the Eridani System were constructed.

So as the need grew, entire planets were used for raw materials in the greatest projects ever undertaken by Man. They were stripped of all useful surface features, and then the entire planet was demolished - broken down and harvested in immense factories as big as a gas giant.

When the Harvesting Factories took a planet into their possession, that planet was no longer considered a Stellar Object, but rather Property of the Conglomerate that had purchased it. And it was recorded in the Galactic Classification Guide, the change of status.

The Records keep a small but sometimes sought after piece of information regarding the Final Transfer of a Stellar Object into the possession of a Harvester - that of Last Man. This is merely a note in the Guidebook - but for Political and Economic reasons, some were more highly prized than others.

Last Man, simply put, is the record of who was the last human being to leave the planet before the Final Transfer to the Harvester. The Guide would forever remember this man, usually (but not always) a representative of the company that had owned the rights to Govern the planet to be harvested.

Some recent Last Man notees have been: Thirrell Tuouth of Ceres, Wizza Dobrats for Razitroff IV in the Minoid System, and Lady Aamris Olivay of the Crown Coalition, for the planetoid Vul, a former moon in the Antares Declination. Thirrell and Wizza were local businessmen, in their respective systems. The Lady Aamris, in contrast, fought a bitter struggle to gain the honor of being the first Last Man in a very prosperous region - and thus her name will survive to the dying days of the Great Record.

The Last Man on Earth

Plidirium Rezx, CEO and Lord Commander of Fleet Protective Services Cgl. A man driven by the needs of systems assaulted relentless by brigands and System Lords. Grown in the Noble Tubes of Betelgeuse, Plidirium began his years begin taught the finer points of warfare by some of the greatest minds of the past generation. His aptitude lent him good speed in his studies, for he was of a long line of prolific and dauntless Generals, the last of the Fonteroy Line and the beginnings of the Rezx.

By age 12, Pli (as he was known to his compatriots) has already taken part in the Orion Games - a prestigious age especially for the Javvelin Event that he nearly scored Master at. His betters by four and more years were all but two thrown down, and so he became the youngest to place Third in that Event, and to the day of Last Man it still stood.

His prowess grew over the years, and he excelled at Fleet maneuvers and Systemic Thinking. Always he was driven by the Pride of his Heritage, as well as his own personal acumen. His name was well known throughout many Systems, and even back to Capital there were some who wagered on his Entrance to more than just Javvelin.

So when his Term expired, he made a move that stunned the System Lords of the Declination. He gathered his most ardent Helpers, and set forth to found his own Militia - the Scarlet Band of Betelgeuse. He formed a unit with a strong home base, and offered up his services to the highest bidders. Running his Men in skirmishes InSystem, they grew in expertise quickly and were to become known as some of the fiercest pilots and armsmen in the entire Declination.

Over the years, he began acquiring enough wealth to expand his financial stake in many companies. His first acquisitions paved the way for the conglomerate Fleet Protective Services Cgl to be born.

Heading up a conglom came naturally to this master Systemic, and even amongst the wealthiest of old Money began to take note of his rise in power. Many System Sectors were influenced by Plidirium's dealings in all corners. But the oldest, Sol Sector, resisted his rise as an Outsider from Betel - no amount of Prestige would grant him the right to acquire Sol System Assets. And so his expanse was thwarted - richer beyond most men, and yet still desirous of more.


Yutatz of Wyrgoth, a cunning Sol and one of the most influential Sector Senators in the Galactic Council. This was the man who stood up to be counted as Last Man - as was his Right as claiming the most Terran Bloodlines as his Heritage.

Senator Yutatz began his campaign for Last Man far earlier than Plidirium ever made known his interest in the title. The Senator knew from a young age that Earth was almost due for Transfer, and he decided that his name should be Last Man. King Miles, of the 2nd Reclamation, was his direct ancestor. And he also drew upon old blood of Presidents and Prelates.

Grand tradition had ruled the Sol System for millenia. And so the heir to this thought it befitting to hold the honor of the title so that one of the longest periods in Earth History would be the endcap to the Old Beliefs.

The Struggle

Conglomerate versus Political Machine. Played behind the scenes for Plidirium, and on the Stage for Yutatz. Each tried to influence Interstellar Harvest, Cgl. to grant them Last Man Status. Pli with money, Yutatz with influence.

In the end, Wealth beat Power.

Plidirium had played a dangerous game, and for (as far as the Records can surmise) the honor of being Last Man on Earth (in the eyes of Interstellar Harvest, Cgl.) he paid the sum of three trillion, eight oh eight billion SGC (Standard Galactic Credits), and estates promised to several young sons of the Executives of Interstellar Harvest, Cgl. Though the exacts are not known, it is said that the offering of Yutatz were generous political favors that rivalled any throughout the vast history of the tradition. But that was not even enough to counter cold hard cash in those amounts.

In the end, Plidirium won. And so set the future Last Man on Earth, and it was with this responsibility understood that he began his planning.

Last Words

It is the Honor of the Last Man to utter the Last Words spoken on a Planet. This means great care is given, when the planetoid is of sufficient meaning to have significance in it's passing. A famous quote from the history, or a reference to some more well known aspect of the planet. Inspirational words aimed at far reaching goals. A call to Brotherhood and Unity.

The words were planned for Earth with as much care as the battle for the rights to Last Man had been. The cradle of Human Civilization was passing. No more Geneva. No more New York, or Paris, or Xiang Gang. The Himalayas, the Grand Canyon. Oceans soon to be recycled in great Water Ships. The Monuments had been removed and preserved with the greatest care the Human Heritage Foundation had ever taken. The Sphinx, the Arc de Triomphe, the UN Building. The CN Tower had taken it's place in the Great Spires Museum (on Epsilon Eridani, not the one in the Mugrab Sector) about seventy years earlier, as the far sighted Canadians had begun their Preservation Foundation generations ago. So the Heritage of Earth would last for an Age, at least.

The words must reflect that Heritage, and many suggestions have been made on the Nets for a goodly time. "Humanity's Birth." "Remembered by All" "The Blue Jewel of Sol."

And the suggestions went on.

And ultimately, the words spoken were elegant as well as forward pointing...

  • "Earth has always been Home, and a good one. I will remember her for the lives she gave us all, and the promise of the future that she always gave. Even now, she is with us, for we all of us are Earthers. Fare Well, Terra."

And so left Plidirium Rezx, the Last Man on Earth, who shall bookend Adam. At least, until they discovered something that would horrify Pli, and shock the history books into stunned disbelief.

Last Words Redux

The Last Man had arranged a small platform to be erected, beside the office where the final Papers were signed. The supply ship that carried his retinue had landed nearby, and Plidirium had given his short speech into a microphone, so that his voice would be heard on the recording of the Event.

Shortly after, the papers signed, both the Last Man's retinue and the parties to the Transaction began boarding the supply ship. Last, of course, to step upon the landing gantry, was the Last Man on Earth, Plidirium Rezx. He stepped on, then turned and surveyed our Home World one last time, before turning to walk into the ship.

As the ship "Hopedawn" began to lift the landing gantry and close the door, a startled yell sounded from a workstation near the platform Plidirium had given the speech from, fifty feet from the ship. A janitor had fallen asleep in a hidden corner, and the sound of the ship closing up jolted him awake. He grabbed up his gear and ran towards the ship, shouting at the crew to wait. He leaped up onto the ramp as it was lifting. A stunned crowd, hearing his yells, had watched the whole episode unfold in silence.

Plidirium, horrified as he watched this unknown man snatch away his paid honor, ran towards the closing door in a split second. Yells followed him, people trying to stop him, shouting that it was too dangerous and they couldn't stop the door, it was on automatic cycle. He didn't care, and almost made it out, until a reporter finally grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to safety.

The janitor, safely aboard and standing next to the stunned Rezx, blinked at the camera lights pointing at him, and didn't quite know what to say.

Tip Adams, of Interstellar News Branch, finally asked "What does being the Last Man on Earth mean to you?" in a question meant for a smouldering Plidirium. The janitor (as yet unnamed to the crowd) stopped, thought, and replied: "What? All right, I guess. Not as much gravity as Jupes has. I reckon she was a good Planet."

Then, answering a second reporter, the Last Man of Earth gave his name, "Blerg Humm. Of Oceania. Lot 15a."

There was not too much more in the way of an interview, as a Ship steward finally arrived to take custody of the errant janitor. It was during this commotion that one of the reporters reviewed the recording of the janitor running for the ship. Filtering out the shouts, it was determined what the official Last Words on Earth were to become.

  • "Hey! Don't leave me here! Bastards!"